I'm a {calculateAge(newDate("2001-10-30"))} year old programmer and tech enthusiast from The Netherlands. I am an entrepeneur with the dream of creating the next generation of chatting freedom online with my company Flame Software.
I'm a {calculateAge(newDate("2001-10-30"))} year old programmer and tech enthusiast from The Netherlands. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and own the webdevelopment studio called DubbelNull.
I am motivated by creating software that provides useful services to people which improves their lives.
Bart Industries is my public digital home. It's a collection of my socials, work experiences and past projects, artworks, hobbies and interests, fursonas and anything else I feel like sharing with the world.
Bart Industries is my public digital home. It's a collection of my socials, work experiences and past projects, artworks, hobbies and interests, fursonas and anything else I feel like sharing with the world.
You can read some of the stuff I've written about at the <ahref="#blog"class="a">blog section</a>.
Feel free to have a poke around and learn about who I am and the things I've worked on.
If you want to contact me you can find my details <ahref="#contact"class="a">here</a>.
You can read about some of my skills and experiences at the <ahref="#portfolio"class="a">portfolio section</a>.
For some more information about me as a person you can visit the <ahref="#about"class="a">about section</a>.
If you want to contact me you can reach out via one of my socials below or <ahref="mailto:pascalvanginkel@outlook.com"class="a">send me an email</a>.
VR is a world where anything is possible. A place where cities can be built with just a few button clicks. A place where friendships and communities are built on creativity and compassion. A place where anyone can be what they want to be without limitation. A place where freedom flourishes and humanity's light shines brighter than anywhere else.
VR is a world where anything is possible. A place where cities can be built with just a few button clicks. A place where friendships and communities are built on creativity and compassion. A place where anyone can be what they want to be without limitation. A place where freedom flourishes and humanity's light shines brighter than anywhere else.
Despite what the failures of big-tech's attemps at creating a metaverse may make you think, VR is a very real and very big world consisting of millions of creative individuals with plenty of proven business models.
Despite what the failures of big-tech's attempts at creating a metaverse may make you think, VR is a very real and very big world consisting of millions of creative individuals with plenty of proven business models.