3 Welcome
Midnight edited this page 1 year ago

Bart Industries Git

Welcome to the git website of Bart Industries, a personal non-registered online collection of works by me (Mid).

For more info about me, visit my profile or the bartindustries main portfolio website.


I first decided to run this instead of use GitHub or GitLab to become a more independent developer and learn more about git, CI/CD and what git providers do. This instance is used to host repositories of my own works, companies and projects as well as some works from friends. Gitea Actions and CI runners are planned to be added. For any static site hosting I synchronise repositories with GitHub or GitLab which then are recognised by services like Vercel or Netlify.


The website is not open to registration, but my public repositories may serve as an honest and open comprehensive portfolio of my works.

If you wish to use this instance, contact me or raise an issue or PR on one of my public repositories please contact me through one of the methods displayed here.


Instance is powered by Forgejo, soft-fork of Gitea. It runs on an Ubuntu Server 22.04 VPS with Docker Compose on my home server rack.


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