You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { browser } from "$app/environment";
import Preview from "$lib/blog/Preview.svelte";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let posts: BlogPost[] = [
image: "/blog/releasingpuppypride.png",
title: "Releasing Puppy Pride",
content: "It has taken me a while to develop, actually over 2.5 years of solo fullstack development with zero experience, but I finally managed to release and deploy the new Puppy Pride social network. There have definitely been ups an downs, and in this post I'd like to touch a little on what it took to get here and the lessons I learned along the way.",
url: "/blog/releasing-puppy-pride",
date: "August 11th 2023",
isNew: true,
// {
// image: "/blog/thepowerofvr.png",
// title: "The power of VR",
// content: "This website is a testament to my love of VR, I have a whole section dedicated to it after all. But in this post I'd like to touch a little more on why that is, on why I've created such a deep bond with a world that isn't even real to most, or at best a failed dream of out of touch billionares.",
// url: "/blog/the-power-of-vr",
// date: "August 1st 2023",
// isNew: true,
// },
// {
// image: "/blog/myinternshipatagroit.png",
// title: "My internship at Agro IT",
// content: "My year 3 internship as part of my study at Saxion University, I chose to work for Agro IT, a small company that creates software solutions for several types of businesses. At the end of it, I was asked to launch what I made and was offered a job. In this post I'd like to touch a little more on what went right or wrong, and what the lessons were I learned while working there.",
// url: "/blog/my-internship-at-agro-it",
// date: "August 1st 2023",
// isNew: true,
// },
image: "/blog/centeringadiv.png",
title: "Centering a div",
content: "On the web...",
url: "/blog/centering-a-div",
date: "August 11th 2023",
isNew: true,
onMount(() => {
if(browser) {
const slider: HTMLElement = document.querySelector('.items-blog');
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let scrollLeft;
let lastKnownScrollLeft;
slider.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
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slider.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
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slider.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
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{#if posts.length > 0}
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<h2 class="text-center w-full text-4xl lg:text-6xl tracking-[0.2em] lg:tracking-[1em] font-bold">&lt;-- BLOG --&gt;</h2>
<div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row gap-5 overflow-visible">
<Preview url={posts[0].url} title={posts[0].title} preview={posts[0].content.substring(0, 255) + ( posts[0].content.length > 255 ? "..." : "")} date={posts[0].date} image={posts[0].image} featured={true} isNew={posts[0].isNew} />
{#if posts.length == 1}
<p class="p-10 text-sm opacity-50">No more posts to show...</p>
<div class="grid grid-flow-col grid-rows-2 grid-cols-[repeat(12, 400px)] w-full gap-5 overflow-x-scroll pb-5 scrollbar scrollbar-thumb-white dark:scrollbar-thumb-black scrollbar-h-3 scrollbar-track-transparent scrollbar-thumb-rounded-full items-blog">
{#each posts as post, key}
{#if key != 0}
<Preview url={post.url} title={post.title} date={} image={post.image} featured={false} isNew={post.isNew} />
<section class="relative container flex flex-col gap-5 lg:gap-20">
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<h2 class="text-center w-full text-4xl lg:text-6xl tracking-[0.2em] lg:tracking-[1em] font-bold">&lt;-- BLOG --&gt;</h2>
<p class="p-10 text-sm opacity-50 text-center w-full">No posts to show...</p>